

Messersmith Group Outing: Mussel Feast at the Beach!

18 February, 2018: Here are some photos of the lab’s outing to Slide Ranch in Marin County, CA for a mussel feast. We harvested mussels from the rocks, cleaned them and cooked them on the beach. It was a great day of amazing food, teamwork and conversation in an amazingly beautiful setting. This is sure to become an annual event!
IMG-6470Slide Ranch
IMG-6463The View
IMG-6436The Team (cleaning mussels).
IMG-6466The Team (cleaning mussels)
IMG-6438Farid, Angie, Brylee and Max cleaning mussels.
UnknownFinal approval for all mussels was granted by Max. Here, Katerina presents her finest work to Inspector Mussel.
IMG-6468The team (still cleaning mussels).
IMG-6467Phil has mixed feelings about all of this. After all, it’s like eating your own children.
IMG-6440Cleaned mussels.
IMG-6437Katerina and Peyman relaxing on the beach.
IMG-6469Milana takes a break.
IMG-6464Dirk describes the molecular features of mussel adhesion to Milana.
IMG-6465Chef Dasha.
IMG-6444The meal!

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