Way to go Cynthia!
Congratulations to Cynthia Perez for passing her PhD qualifying exam!
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Lab News
- Congratulations to Arianna Avellan for winning the best poster award at the 46th Annual Adhesion Society Meeting!
- Congratulations to Katerina Malollari on her exit seminar!
- Paper on Structure-Property Relationships of a Supramolecular Polymer Prodrug Published in PNAS!
- Congratulations to Kelsey DeFrates on being named a Siebel Scholar!
- Congratulations to Sally, Peyman and Katerina on Their Graduation!
- New York Times article about the Glycera jaw paper published this week in Matter
- Congratulations to Katerina and Peyman on the publication of their coauthored paper in Matter
- Congratulations to Arianna Avellan for being awarded a GEM Fellowship!
- Congratulations to Cynthia Perez for passing her PhD qualifying exam!
- Congratulations to postdoc Subhajit Pal for being selected to attend the 71st Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting!
Upcoming Talks by Group Members
“Novel Materials Inspired by Catecholamine Polymers Found in Nature”, to be presented by Prof. Messersmith at the Gordon Research Conference on Peptide Materials, Galveston, TX, January 2023.
"Injectable Dynamic Covalent Hydrogels of Bioderived Polysaccharides for Thermal Insulation During Cryoablation of Tumors", to be presented by Prof. Messersmith at the American Chemical Society Spring Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, March 2023.
“TBD”, to be presented by Prof. Messersmith at the Gordon Research Conference on Biomaterials and Biocompatibility, Holderness School, NH, July 2023.
Recent Talks by Group Members
“Supramolecular Polymers for Drug-Induced Regeneration”, presented by Prof. Messersmith at the Polymers in Medicine and Biology Conference, Napa, CA November 30, 2022.
“Design, Interfacial Mechanics and Applications of Mussel-Inspired Polymers”, presented by Prof. Messersmith at UC-Merced Materials Science and Engineering Department, Nov 7, 2022, Merced, CA.
“Bioinspired Catecholamine Polymers”, presented by Prof. Messersmith at the Gordon Research Conference on Multiscale Mechanochemistry and Mechanobiology, Ventura, CA, August 2022.
“Molecular and Bulk Mechanics of Multifunctional Catecholamine Polymer Coatings”, to be presented by Prof. Messersmith at CIMTEC 2022 - 9th Forum on New Materials, Perugia, Italy, June 25-29, 2022.
"Bioinspired Polymers For Drug-Induced Regeneration", to be presented by Prof. Messersmith at the Nature Inspires Creativity Engineers (NICE) Conference, Nice, France, June 20-23, 2022.
“Design, Interfacial Mechanics and Applications of Mussel-Inspired Polymers”, to be presented by Prof. Messersmith at the Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, May 9, 2022, Honolulu, HI.
“Mussel-Inspired Polymers: From Molecular Mechanics to Applications”, to be presented by Prof. Messersmith at the Pierce Seminar Series, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT, April 6, 2022.
“Biologically Inspired Strategies for Interfacial Control in Polymer Coatings” presented by Prof. Messersmith at the Technical Seminar Program, PPG Aerospace, Burbank, CA, March 17, 2022.
“Stick It: Bio-Inspired Adhesives”, presented by Prof. Messersmith at The Square Root of STEM seminar series, Center for Excellence in Education, March 6, 2022, McLean, VA.
“Supramolecular Polymers for Tissue Regeneration”, presented by Prof. Messersmith at the Terasaki Institute at UCLA, September 29, 2021.
“Molecular mechanics and applications of bioinspired catecholamine materials”, presented by Prof. Messersmith at the Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Seattle, WA, April 19-23, 2021.
“Metal-Catechol Interactions in Mussel adhesion and Mussel-Inspired Materials”, presented by Prof. Messersmith at the Department of Energy and the Environment, Japan Advanced Institute for Science and Technology, March 11, 2021.